SC - 1.) Authenticity/Documentation 2.) Spain

Stephen Bloch sbloch at
Fri Jun 6 08:36:16 PDT 1997

Excerpts from 6-Jun-97 Re: SC -
Reconstructing rec.. by maddie teller-kook at 
> True...BUT, IMHO I think many are put off by 'fruit and meat'
> combinations because some feasts are inundated with these dishes.  If
> one meat dish has fruit it..that isn't too bad. If a majority of dishes
> have fruit and meat at the same feast, it may be overwhelming. I have
> cooked a number of dishes with fruit and meat that where quite
> successful,yet not all at the same feast. To me, it is important to mix
> 'exotic' dishes with plain gives the palate a variety of
> tastes and textures. Also, it gives the people you are feeding a variety
> of dishes to choose from.

This isn't just a matter of "fruit and meat" -- this is a matter of
planning! (or, if you will, an example of why a test feast at which the
dishes are served together is important).  I've been to feasts where
each individual dish was wonderful, but each dish was sweet.  There is
just so much sweet (or, just so much of the same flavor center) the
human palate can take at one sitting!

toodles, margaret 

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