Re(2): SC - chocolate

Sue Wensel swensel at
Tue Jun 17 07:29:34 PDT 1997

>per.ry \'per-e-\ n [ME peirrie, fr. MF pere`, fr. (assumed) VL 
>piratum, fr.  L (Xpirum pear chiefly Brit  : the expressed juice of
pears often 
>made  alcoholic by fermentation

Humm, I've got to get me a bottle of that there Perier stuff.  No wonder
those dern yuppies drink so much of it. :*P

Speaking of drinks, has anyone out there have a recipie for a
Mesoamerican Mead?  I was watching a show on PBS about the Aztec culture,
and they said that they cultivated bees, and used the honey to make a
fermented drink.  Can anyone help?

In service to my heart
	Volker AElfwine
	Volker_AElfwin at

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