SC - Let me introduce myself.....

Sun Jun 22 19:38:00 PDT 1997

Hi! I've been subscribing to this list for a couple of weeks.  I've have had
a very hard time keeping up with just reading all these messages, but I'm
glad to have found out about such an active cooking list.

My name is Duchess Verena of Laurelin.  I live in southern An Tir in the
Principality of the Summits.  I've been in the SCA a very long time (mostly
in the West), and have tried over the years to make my cooking at events, as
well as at feast, as authentic as I could.  What I know now, and am learning,
is much more authentic than anything we had in the early days.  It's
encouraging to see so many people doing research and using original sources
when they can. 

The first book I found was "Two Fifteenth Century Cookbooks" and it was all I
could find for many years until Cariadoc published his xeroxed "Collection of
Medieval and Renaissance Cookbooks."  The books with the original receipe and
the redactions that I found later - as well as more experience in cooking -
encouraged me to try the "original receipe" instead of the redactions.  At
this point, I am trying to use copies of primary sources when I can.

Since I'm new to this list, I don't know most of the people on it, although I
do recognize a few people I know.  If you have the time,  I'd like an
introduction to you (sent to me so it doesn't clog the list).  Also, I'd
appreciate it if you try to give URLs for any on-line references you make.
 It seems that most of you are aware of many of these sites, but I'd like
help in finding them if possible. Thanks.

I'll try to start participating now, when I have something to contribute.  

                     - Verena
                             vearley at

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