SC - more herbs

ND Wederstrandt nweders at
Thu Jun 12 12:10:34 PDT 1997

        Forgot to mention these herbs.  If some one has an herbal on hand
you could look up Mate (Mah teh) whic is a South American herb that is used
as a stimulant in Brazil, Argentina.... I don't know if  and when it was
introduced into Europe. Also chinese ephedra (there is an American
equivilant, there may be a european as well)  Ephredra doesn't have
caffeine, but it has the chemical that is used in antihystamines,
(ephredrazine)  These cause you to speed up a little bit and may work.  I
would check this last herb out since it is some what strong.

I can look up some other herbs later, came without herb books today.


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