Re(2): SC - Caffeine in period

Michael Macchione ghesmiz at UDel.Edu
Thu Jun 12 07:40:11 PDT 1997

On 12 Jun 1997, Sue Wensel wrote:
> That's what I thought I remembered for Europe.  I don't think tea is any
> better, but *please* (whimper, beg) correct me if I am incorrect.  I know
> chocolatl is out of period.
 This reminds me.  A few years back (2-3) I was flipping channels and came
across a show on a public station on the history of chocolate.  It was an
amazingly well done show that started in the New World and progressed
slowly to the modern era, hitting upon the various techniques used to make
various types of chocolate: the chocolate houses of Europe, the extraction
of cocoa butter, chocolate liquers, Fanny Farmer's Brownies, Hershey...  

What added to the show was that they showed the making of numerous dishes
that were all based on chocolate in easy to follow directions.  Now of
course, I realized that this would be a great show to tapeafter about 1
1/2 hours had already gone by.  Would anyone have happened to have taped
this show?????????  I would do almost anything for a copy of this.
Especially since it well documented how chocolate was actually consumed
in the very late 16th century (and why modern people probably wouldn't
touch the stuff :)


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