SC - Vinegar/verjuice

Philip E Cutone flip+ at
Wed Jun 4 09:56:10 PDT 1997

oops... sorry folks... meant to abort, not send that last
message... duh... 

i believe there is documentation in Lady Margaret MacDubhShithe
current fav book: Fruits, herbs and veggies of Italy.
Brieve racconto di tutte le radici, di tutte l'herbe et di tutti i
frutti, che c rudi o cotti in Italia si mangiano, Giacomomo Castelvetro

The index says it appears on pages 50, 71, 78, 151,and see also aggresto.
(thanks margaret!)

Aggresto is unripe grapes fermented... which i understand to be verjuice.

Not documentation, but most of my vinegers come from cysers and meads
which capture an extra bug or two.  Heck, why throw it out? It's not
gone bad, just assumed another role! ;)

In service,
Filip of the Marche.

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