SC - Islamic Ingredients - request for info

John FOX johnlfox at
Mon Jun 9 04:58:49 PDT 1997

Just joined this list and have received 38 messages - wow.

My name is Jean le Renard de Pyranees (John FOX), I am a Frenchman in
Elizabethan England.  Enough about me, my query is:

I am autocrating an Islamic Feast in celebration of the great defeat of the
Byzantines by a small Turkish army at Manzakert.  I have a number of
references but am having trouble with the ingredients.  Could someone tell

1.	What is 'blattes de Bysance'?  It is mentioned in many recipes a
photocopy I have of a section of "Islamic Culture - Vol 13 (1939)" The
section is titled 'A Baghdad Cookery-Book'.  The recipe in question is one
called BADHINJAN BI-LABAN (as near as I can type it without accents) and is
a relish with milk, garlic and herbs.

2.	What is 'Persian milk', same book same section.  This is a recipe called
QAR' BI-LABAN, another relish of beet, Persian milk, garlic and sesame.

Thanking you in advance for assistance.
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Jean le Renard de Pyranees (John FOX)
Shire of Dismal Fogs
Principality of Rowany
Kingdom of the West
johnlfox at
In a country to be discovered and named Australia.

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