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Fri May 2 00:11:52 PDT 1997

At 1:39 PM -0400 5/1/97, Phil & Susan Troy wrote:
>>Lady Rowan the Capricious here.
>>I want to know if there are any kinds of cake
>>type frostings or icings that were used in
>>period cooking?
>Icing, yes. You find in sources like Gervase Markham and Kenelm Digby
>cake recipes that include instructions to sprinkle a cake with finely
>powdered sugar and put it back in the oven to glaze. This produces a
>hard-crack sugar shell.

Note that Digby is about fifty years out of period, Markham somewhat less.
I suspect you would find similar things in the late sixteenth century, but
I don't know that cuisine very well. You could look at Hugh Platt.

Alys Katherine (MK) has looked into some of these question and would be a
good person to check with. She does elaborate sugar paste plates, which are
presumably a closely related technology.


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