Re(2): SC - Mushrooms!

Sue Wensel swensel at
Fri May 2 14:41:21 PDT 1997

  Thank you for the information.  However, my concern is with the fat,
  no the cholesterol.  I am one of the blessed whose cholestorol level
  never seems to go up, yet one of the cursed whose weight does.  When
  I look at a recipe that calls for extensive amounts of yolks, I
  wonder if I could substitute and save some of those fat grams that
  mean so much to me.

Dietary advice does not belong on this list... but I'll risk a short
discussion (and the wrath of our moderator...).

If you are heavier than you wish to be, and the cause is not from a
metabolic disorder (which are common enough: get a thyroid function test,
and if it is near significant, a micro-dose of thyroid can help), then the
issue at hand is a simple mathematical one.... if calorie intake exceeds
calorie usage by an appreciable margin, it will be deposited on the body.
Where, and how easily, is a matter of heredity.

Displacing your total calories from one source, and onto another, will not
generally change things.  Fats are a VERY calorie dense source: nearly twice
as many calories per gram as sugar.  But if you eat a box of fat free
cookies, instead of a box of regular cookies, that is still too many
calories for your body.  (Whomever you are.)

Decrease caloric intake, increase exercise.  Even moderately done, this can
make a big improvement.  It works for everyone.  Instead of a favorite
snack, walk around the block.  That is all it takes.  Covert Bailey's book
"The New Fit or Fat" is excellent.

Cookery....  in baked goods, fats work to make the resulting product less
dense, and less chewy.  It is possible to substitute fruit purees in many
baked products, for the fat, and get an "acceptable" result.  But it will
not have the exact same texture.  I've had good luck with banana, applesauce
and prune based fruit purees.  Some stores actually sell a prune based fat


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