SC - Hello & Questions

Mark Schuldenfrei schuldy at abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU
Thu May 8 13:09:04 PDT 1997

  Ok, as if Stefan hasn't asked enough questions, What is cognac?

This is just a too easy question.

co.gnac \'ko-n-.yak, 'ka:n-, 'ko.n-\ n [F, fr. Cognac, France] cap  1: a
   brandy from the departments of Charente and Charente-maritime distilled
   from white wine 2: a French brandy

  I know it is a distilled alcoholic beverage of some type. But what is it made
  of? Is it period? What makes a good bottle of cognac? Are there period
  food recipes that use it?

A similar distilled beverage is armagnac, also from France.  It is period, I
do believe.  (But have no citations to hand.)

What makes it a good bottle?  Aging, ingredients....

Hmmm.  Like most strong beverages, cognac has a certain bite.  It also has a
natural smokey kind of complexity, not like the peaty flavor of scotch, but
sharper in the nose.  It also has a vanilla sort of texture.  A light brown
color, a very warm and inviting smell.  In large gulps, it can be veyr
sharp, and it must be sipped slowly, so that the wonderful fumes can wash
into your nose as you savor it.  It takes me a good 45 minutes to drink an
ounce.  Or longer.

I know of no recipes that call for it, but I have some empty glasses
into which it conforms smartly.  (:-)


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