SC - kvas

Mark Harris mark_harris at
Tue May 13 13:24:59 PDT 1997

Philip & Susan Troy <troy at> writes:
> Mark Harris wrote:
> > I have heard a little about this drink but not since it was last discussed
> It is fairly modern, 

On this, i must object!  In my copy of "Domestroi", which originally
was written in 17th cent ( i think... perhaps early 18th) kvass is
talked about. (and i believe a description for making it was given as
well) Ok, not period, but not "modern" :)  (you may have been refering
to the recipe, rather than the drink, in which case, i apologize.)

Modern day Kvass is more like Period Ginger ale or root beer, according
to some friends from Ukraine and russia.  They say it comes in big
tanker trucks you go up to (supplying your own cup) and pay for a
fill.  Kids, adults, etc all drink it, which leads me to believe the
alcohol content is minimal. They say it's best when it's "fresh" (a
couple days old) which also leads me to believe it's more like a soft drink.

My attempt at making it produced a very strong drink which wasn't all
that bad... of course, i made it without knowledge of any proportions
etc, so the finished product knocked my Ukranian friend in the
proverbial... well, never mind.   Lets just say it was more like kvass
wine, rather than root beer.

It involved some rye bread, honey, sugar, mint, rasins, and a couple
other things i forget... (ok... so i brew like i cook... ;)  My
version was also aged, which meant it was more like a mead/wine.

I believe the domestroi version calls for honey, which would make the
drink more like a weak braggot...

I'll look up my references if there is interest.

In Service to the People of the Society,
Filip of the Marche

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