Re(2): SC - redactions

Sue Wensel swensel at
Wed May 14 07:14:08 PDT 1997

I'm sorry if I misled y'all about the "article".  It's not really an article, but just a 
mention of who we are and what we do.  Fairly short, actually.  I've copied it and 
sent it along, but if anyone still wants a photo-copy, let me know.


Gifted Child Today Magazine tm
March/April 1997
pp22, 24

Excerpt from the article titled "Shakespearience" about how to teach gifted 
children about the Middle Ages and Renaissance.

The Society for Creative Anachronism Inc.

The Society for Creative Anachronism Inc. (SCA), a non-profit educational 
organization devoted to the study of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, is 
part of the "living history" movement.  Its members conduct historical 
research, sponsor events such as tournaments and feasts, and participate in 
activities based on the civil and martial skills of the period.  Links include the 
following: articles concerned with the Middle Ages, Pre-1620 historical and 
literary texts: Medieval resources on the Internet: history links, and image 
databases for Medieval Art; for example, the Bayeux Tapestry, Illuminated 
Manuscript Images from the Bodleian Library, Images from the Bool of Kells, 
and Terion's collexction of Medieval Arts and Armor Images.

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