Re(2): SC - trial feasts

Sue Wensel swensel at
Wed May 14 15:40:12 PDT 1997

Lord Ras said on Tuesday, May 13:

The feast that I'm doing in June at Will's Revenge is 4 courses, each
consisting of 4 dishes (16 dishes total + a truly amazing subtlety) and, as
usual, all the recipes are newly redacted, I was wondering what format the
mini-feast should take? Should I do the testing in the same
order/combonations as the actual feast or do a buffet-type thing where guests
could taste and pick at will?

Given more time, which you don't have, I would say cook one course at each
of four meetings. Save killing yourself for the actual feast. :-)

If you've done the dishes before consider leaving them out of the trial
feast. If there are different ideas in the subtlety perhaps you could
try them without doing the whole subtlety.

Sounds like an interesting feast. To bad you are several kingdoms away.

Stefan li Rous

Yours in service to the Dream,
Lord Ras (uduido at

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