SC - Yolks vs whites

Mark Schuldenfrei schuldy at abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU
Fri May 2 12:01:27 PDT 1997

  I have heard that the egg yolk is not as bad for you as has been advertised.
  Any ideas?

When some of the early heart disease studies came out (like Mr Fit, or the
Framingham Study), people began to treat cholesterol as if it were a deadly
poison.  Later studies have shown that eggs, for example, have slightly less
absorbable cholesterol than first considered.  But they still have a very
large amount, indeed.

Dietary studies have shown that people who have no family history of heart
disease, and who have low risk factors (exercise, reasonable weight, don't
smoke) can tolerate a largish amount of cholesterol in the diet, without
added clinical risk of heart disease.  This includes a moderate number of
eggs in the diet.

The national lobbying board for the Egg industry is shouting "See, EGGS ARE
NOT BAD" at the top of their lungs.  Not quite as accurate as it could be.

For those that exhibit risk factors (such as close relatives that had early
onset heart problems, or if we smoke, fail to exercise, or are even slightly
obese) dietary cholesterol is still the problem it always was.  For folks
like me, with adult onset of heart disease at age 29, it is still a deadly
poison... (:-)

	Tibor (Living the Mister Clean life)

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