SC - irradiated food

Mark Harris mark_harris at
Fri May 2 20:06:36 PDT 1997

Today, Friday May 2, Linneah asks:

>Sort of on the same note, I know this will start a firestorm, but I am all
in favor 
>of irradiating food in order to kill the botulism spores and all other nasty

>things.  It does not create "glowing" food and so far no test has shown any
>effects.  Any comments?

This is only marginally within the bounds of this mail list, but personally
I would be extremely happy to see food treatment of this type implemented.

It would eliminate some of the concerns with serving such things as chicken
and other foods subject to spoilage at our events that have primative sites.
It would allow milk to be kept at an event such as Pennsic longer before it
was unuseable due to spoilage.

Using foods treated this way would result in foods which the texture is less
effected and thus closer to fresh medieval foods than modern canning

Unfortunately, I don't see this happening at least in the U.S. because of
the hysteria this would cause.

Mark Harris (Stefan would not understand)

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