SC - Plaintive whine about sourcing....

Alys of Foxdale foxdale at
Sun May 11 14:08:55 PDT 1997

Quoth Dagonell:

> I was thinking of something like the arrangement in "To the King's Taste"
> An original: "Take sawge, parsel, ysope and savray...
> A translation: Take sage, parsley, hyssop and savory...
> A redaction: 1 tsp dried sage, 1 c chopped parsley, ...  
> With the redactor given full blam////credit.
> Obviously, I can't do this in every case, but I'd like to stay as close
> to this as possible.

Yes!  That's exactly what I want to see; it's easier to learn the
language that way, the better to cope with originals in books that
have *not* bothered to translate for you!  (And also to give you the
chance to say, "This translation is rot, so I will re-redact it to
suit my own translation!")

> Got it!  Table of Contents AND back of the book index.  (And don't get
> Adamantius mad at me whatever I do! ;-)  I was thinking of having the book
> ordered into sections, Appetizers, Main Dishes, Sides, Desserts, etc.

Are the dishes going to be assigned to sections according to modern or
period use?

> The Table of Contents would list by meal name and the index would list by
> main ingredient ie, Chicken Dishes... p.16, 23, 34 etc.  Acceptable?

Actually, I'd like to see the names of the dishes in the (or at least
an) index too; I often don't know what a dish is when someone mentions
it only by name, and might be hard put to figure out which section to 
look in.  But then, I've never yet found any book that had as much
information in the index as I thought it should... ;)

> 							-- Dagonell

   Alys of Foxdale          Shire of Stierbach, Kingdom of Atlantia
 mka Sallie Montuori               Chantilly, Virginia, USA
foxdale at

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