SC - taffy-like candy

Emily Epstein epsteine at spot.Colorado.EDU
Fri May 2 13:48:25 PDT 1997

Greetings from Alix Mont de Fer.

A short while back, someone (I forget who) asked about a period taffy-like
candy. While rummaging through my files for something else, I found this
recipe. I don't know if it's what you had in mind, but it's very tasty.

I served this at a feast in Spinning Winds some years ago, where I
discovered the property listed in the notes at the end that make it not
very suitable for feasts. 

PAYN RAGOUN (Curye on Inglysch, p.113)

1/3 c. sugar
1/3 c. honey
1 c. pine nuts
2 t. ground ginger

Bring sugar and honey to a boil, stirring constantly. When it reaches the
point that a drop in cold water holds together, remove from heat. Stir in
ginger and pine nuts, and stir until it starts to harden. Turn out on a
wet surface. When cool enough to handle, form into a log. Slice and serve. 

Neither the sugar nor the honey required clarification, nor did my
   granulated sugar require grinding, as loaf sugar would have. 
Ground ginger works best. Fresh ginger, even in large quantities lacks
   that nice ginger bite. 
I tested the mixture with a wooden spoon. My fingers still have live nerve
   endings & I'd like to keep them. 
Because of the honey, the mixture crystallizes differently than plain
   sugar syrup, and it won't dowhat a candy thermometer would indicate. 
   260 degrees (hard ball on a thermometer) is about right.
If you accidentally overcook the mixture, it can be salvaged. Pull it like
   taffy and cut it in small pieces. It's tasty but extremely chewy, kind 
   of like Bit-O-Honey.
The honey makes this react more to humidity than other candy. It becomes a
   sticky mess in hot, moist rooms (like kitchens). 
Keep it cool, but not cold. It's hard (or impossible) to cut if worked
Never, ever wrap this in aluminum foil, unless you like bits of metal in
  your food. 

If anybody finds a way to make this stuff a little more manageable,
please let me know. Enjoy!

Alix Mont de Fer (m.k.a. Emily Epstein)
Shire of Caer Galen, Outlands
epsteine at

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