SC - Elinor Fettiplace

Dottie Elliott macdj at
Mon May 5 21:13:16 PDT 1997

LYN M PARKINSON 5/3/97 1:28 AM

>Spurling, Hilary.  Elinor Fettiplace=EDs Receipt Book, Elizabethan Country
>House Cooking.  	Viking Penguin, Inc., NY, 1986.
>An excellent book, and Spurling has not just edited it, she has done a
>good bit of research to let you know about the recipes, the foodstuffs,
>etc. of the time.  Highly recommended.  Your local bookseller could order
>it for you.
>PS If you don't have much of a bibliography yet, would you like a copy of
>mine?  It's not complete, just the ones I've got handy.  Then you can
>start hunting.

i would love a copy of your bibliography. I have a number of books =
containing period source material. However, I am always looking for =
more. i have recently branched out into redacting my own recipes now. =
 i am most interested in doing more research on the how and why as =
well as the taste of recipes.


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