SC - Garlic in oil

Dottie Elliott macdj at
Fri May 2 10:15:40 PDT 1997

linneah at 5/2/97 11:47 AM

>I have stored whole, peeled garlic cloves in olive oil in a covered jar in 
>refrigerator for months at a time.  I take out what I need or pour off a 
>little of 
>the oil and put it back in the fridge.  I've never had a problem, but that 
>just be luck.
>Sort of on the same note, I know this will start a firestorm, but I am all 
>in favor 
>of irradiating food in order to kill the botulism spores and all other nasty 
>things.  It does not create "glowing" food and so far no test has shown 
>any ill 
>effects.  Any comments?
>who can't wait to read the mail this generates

I have read somewhere in one of the cooking magazines I get that flavored 
oils are often not safe but they do allow various things to grow in them. 
Flavored Vinegars on the other hand tend to not have this problem. It was 
suggested in the article that if one must flavor oil then store it in the 
refrigerator and keep them only for a short period of time.  I will try 
to find the article.


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