Re(2): SC - Feast preparation (LONG )

Sue Wensel swensel at
Tue May 13 06:57:51 PDT 1997

> Excerpts from 12-May-97 SC - Feast
> preparation (LONG ) by Uduido at 
> > So the bottom line is to not rely on the "experts", test ALL recipes
> > the event and taste, taste, taste while preparing the actual feast. In
> > way your diners will almost always walk away from the table satisfied and
> > happy and your feasts will always be well-attended by your adoring fans!
> > 
> I would also suggest that you get others to taste it.  You may not like
> it (I recently reconstructed a recipe for fava bean tortelli, the
> stuffing for which I thought looked and smelled truly disgusting.  My
> husband, however, who hates beans, really liked it--came back for
> seconds.  Had it not been for that, I would never have served the things
> (which went over pretty well).
> toodles, margaret 

Indeed, I attest that they were tasty.  They could have used a little more
salt.  Nearly all bean dishes can -- beans are dreadful salt-sucks and will
absorb all available salt given a chance (uh-oh, there goes our sodium

Margaret, in all the evening excitement and exhaustion, I didn't get your
recipes.  Could you post them to me or give me a copy tomorrow at Barony?

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