SC - Spices on Nerves of People

marilyn traber margali at
Sun Oct 12 20:09:54 PDT 1997

Tyrca at wrote:

> In a message dated 97-10-10 12:19:49 EDT, you write:
> <<
>  Me, too! I mean, I agree, in large part. Everyday life in a large
> city
>  is plenty competitive enough for me. My carefully controlled ruthless
>  side is something I'd rather not cultivate except in an emergency.
>  On the other hand, I don't see why, for those that like that sort of
>  thing, a competition couldn't be friendly, honorable, and
> enlightening.
>  I probably would not choose to compete, but if people could handle
> it, I
>  don't think it would be a problem. Question is, can they handle it?
>  Adamantius

I sort of was hoping for a great recipe swap and schmooze session to get
to kow the people in person, not just on the net.


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