SC - Need recipe ?beans?

david friedman ddfr at
Wed Apr 1 11:53:42 PST 1998

Niamh of Wyvern Cliffes gave a recipe for pinto bean pie and wrote:
>Okay so its OOP thought you might like to try it. It is actually
>surprisingly good.
>1/2 c hot mashed beans
>1/2 stick oleo
>1 1/2 c sugar
>2 whole eggs
>1 c coconut
>1 c pecans
>1 (9-inch) unbaked crust...

Well, the pinto beans, coconut, and pecans are OOP but the basic idea, as
it happens, is period.

To Make a Tarte of Beans
A Proper Newe Book of Cookery p. 37/C11 (16th c. English)

Take beanes and boyle them tender in fayre water, then take theym oute and
breake them in a morter and strayne them with the yolckes of foure egges,
curde made of mylke, then ceason it up with suger and halfe a dysche of
butter and a lytle synamon and bake it.

To make short paest for tarte
 A Proper Newe Book p. 37/C10

Take fyne floure and a curscy of fayre water and a dysche of swete butter
and a lyttel saffron, and the yolkes of two egges and make it thynne and as
tender as ye maye.

1/2 lb (1 1/4 c) dry fava beans	1/2 c curds (cottage cheese)	6 T butter
4 egg yolks	4 T sugar	4 t cinnamon

6 threads saffron crushed in 1 t cool water	5-6 T very soft butter
1 c flour	2 egg yolks

Put beans in 2 1/2 c of water, bring to boil and let sit, covered, 70
minutes. Add another cup of water, boil about 50 minutes, until soft. Drain
beans and mush in food processor. Cool bean paste so it won't cook the
yolks. Mix in yolks; add cottage cheese (do not drain); add sugar, butter
(soft or in small bits), and cinnamon and mush. Will be a thick liquid.

To make crust, mix saffron water into flour; add egg yolks and mix well
(will be crumbly). Add 4 T butter and mix well; add enough of remaining
butter to make a smooth paste. (Amount used depends upon softness of butter
and warmth of kitchen.) Roll smooth and place in 9" pie plate. Crimp edge.
Pour into raw crust and bake at 350° for about 50 minutes (top cracks).
Cool before eating.

Elizabeth/Betty Cook


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