SC - Sir Kenelm Digby's Sippets

THL Renata THLRenata at
Thu Apr 16 17:58:25 PDT 1998

Sir Kenelm used sippets in almost every potage recipe. Here is an example:

"half an hour before dinner, take light bread well dryed from all moisture
before the fire; then cut in slices, laid in a dish over coals, pour upon it a
ladleful of broath, no more than the bread can presently drink up; which when
it hath done, put on another ladleful, and stew that, till it be drunk up;
repeat this three or four times, a good quater of an hour in all, till the
bread is swelled up like a gelly (if it be too long, it will grow glewy and
stick to the dish) and strong of brroth; then fill it up near full with thte
same strong broth, which having stewed a while, put on the broth and herbs,
and your Capon or other meat upon that, and so let it stew a quarter of an
hour longer, then turn it up."

All his other instructions are similiar, except sometimes he specifies "french

It seems like slices of toast to me.

Hope this helps!


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