SC - Islamic-by any other name LrdRas at
Thu Feb 5 15:53:09 PST 1998

At 9:21 PM -0600 2/2/98, Rodney K Zeigler wrote:
>We will of course provide the ubiquitous sausages, cheese, and
>bread, but I was wondering if anyone would have any slightly-more creative
>ideas, which are hopefully a.) inexpensive, b.) not needing too much
>refrigeration or careful handling, and c.) preparable ahead of time.

Meat/egg/cheese pies, served cold.  In particular, Ember-day tart is good
and not too expensive; see also Pork doucetty, Spinach tart, herbelade; for
something really rich, try tarts out of Lent (all recipes in the
_Miscellany_).  Period sweets:  Digby current cakes ("To make an excellent
cake"), medieval gingerbread (not like modern), hais, hulwa, khushkananaj..
I had an article in (I think) last summer's TI with a bunch of the sweets
recipes and they are also in the _Miscellany_.  If you need more
information on this stuff let me know.

The _Miscellany_ is webbed at

Elizabeth/Betty Cook

I am posting the current cake recipe on the thread  "First try at redaction".


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