SC - How about "Cook"?

Phil & Susan Troy troy at
Fri Jul 31 05:13:30 PDT 1998

> And it is the cooks job to arrange for some leeway with the food. The cook
> ought to be able move feast a half hour or even a full hour either way without
> going into a panic.  It seems to me that arranging for the first dish, or more
> than one dish at all to require crucial timing is foolish, though I understand
> re-using serving dishes is a consideration some places.  I've heard of feast
> running hours late, but not seen it, it would be the event stewards job to
> keep the cook informed throughout the day so that the cook can plan accordingly.

You must be lucky, or I must be unlucky.  Two feasts I have attended in the last 4
months have run extremely late (one 2 hours and one a full 4 1/2 hours late).  We
began joking that the feast was an elegant lie at the latter.  At the first, it was
an outdoor feast that took longer because of the problems of open flame cooking that
were not anticipated.  The second was bad planning.  The soup (part of the first
course along with bread and cheese) burned and was recooked last minute.  To me,
serving out of order to feed people while they waited for the soup would be
acceptable, but it was the decision of the kitchen crew to serve as was planned in
the menu.  The ire of the crowd spoke for itself.  It is EXTREMELY rare for this to
happen, though as most people who plan a feast seem to have to timed to a science
with trial runs.



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