SC - Rice, Pasta, and walking on eggs...

Balldrich BallBarian BoulderBain msca at
Mon Jun 8 15:30:46 PDT 1998

>We've all got 'em, don't we?  There was the time one of our favorites
>sites--despite having no frig and a kitchen the size of a cardtable--had
>2 painters in it, painting the walls as we brought in the food to cook: 
>"Thought you'd like a prettier kitchen..."  well, maybe, if you like
>mustard and olive, and if you weren't dripping paint on our feast...
>And the time the park management removed all cooking utensils from the
>lodge and didn't tell us so we could bring our own...
>And the time the queen cut out one of my courses because her kids were
>getting sleepy, but it was OK because the promised venison didn't show
>up..."Bad year for hunting..."
>And the time there was a January thaw so that it poured rain on the
>outside grills that were supposed to cook the ducks and the feastocrat
>had to cook under an umbrella...

Ever try cooking lunch outside on one propane stove for 70 gentles in
FEBRUARY in the middle of an an Ottawa winter because the site decided at
the last minute they didn't want us using the day care kitchen? grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!


We don't use that site anymore. Funny that?


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