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LYN M PARKINSON allilyn at
Fri May 8 16:37:29 PDT 1998

Cookbook Bibliography

Anderson, Stanley F. and Dorothy.  Winemaking.  Recipes, Eqipment, and
Techniques for 	Making Wine at Home.  Harcourt Brace & Co., NY,

Best, Michael R., editor THE ENGLISH HOUSEWIFE by Gervase Markham.  
McGill-Queen's 	University Press, 1986. Original recipes - early
17th   century. RECOMMENDED.

Blencowe, Ann.  The Receipt Book of Ann Blencowe.  1695. 
Northhamptonshire. Reprint, 	Susan J. Evans.

Cariadoc and Elizabeth.  A Miscelleny.  6th edition.  (Contains some

Cariadoc, pub. A Collection of Medieval and Renaissance Cookbooks.  Vol I
	all he could find in English—May, Markham,     print very hard to

Cariadoc, pub. A Collection of Medieval and Renaissance Cookbooks.  Vol
Perry, Charles, et al.  An Anonymous Andalusian Cookbook of the
Thirteenth Century.
Atlas, Alia.  Daz Buoch von Guoter Spiese (between 1345 & 1354).
Hinson, Janet.  Traite de Cuisine (c. 1300).
	Le Menagier De Paris (Goodman of Paris, c. 1395).  Partial.
Bennett, Elizabeth.  Le Viandier de Taillevent (14th c.).
Cook, Elizabeth, from Scully, Terence.  Du Fait de Cuisine (Chiquart,
Odds and Ends:  12th c., 3 recipes; Arabic 10th + 13th c.; 16th c. beer.

Cosman, Madeliene Pelner. FABULOUS FEASTS. George Brazlier. 1976. A   lot
of good 	general information about medieval food/foodways,
redacted   recipes without 	originals. Some of the recipes contain
out of period   ingredients. NOT 	RECOMMENDED.  [storage]

David, Elizabeth. ENGLISH BREAD AND YEAST COOKERY. Penguin. 1979. The  
book on 	bread, this contains a great deal of historical
information on   grain, ovens, shapes of 	loaves, etc. If you want
to try and recreate   medieval bread, this is where you should
	start. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.  [possibly in storage]
Dawson, Thomas.  The Good Huswifes Jewell, 1596. Reprint, Susan J. Evans.
	The Second Part of the Good Hus-Wives Jewell. Reprint, Susan J.

Driver, Christopher and Michelle Berriedale-Johnson. PEPYS AT TABLE.  
University of 	California Press. 1984. Quotes from Pepys diary  
mentioning food and more or less 	contemporary recipes with modern
  redactions. This book is small and does not 	contain much, and
there   are better books around that cover this time period. Still,
	there is   nothing wrong with it except for the size.
RECOMMENDED. [storage]

	Epulario.  William Barley, London, 1598.  Reprint, Susan J.

Evans, Susan.  A Gode Cooke’s Glossarie.  Compiled, 1984.  (to be used
with Two Fifteenth 	Century Manuscripts)

Grieve, Mrs. M.  A Modern Herbal. Vol. I A-H, Vol. II  I-Z, Dover
Publications, Inc., NY,  1971.  	An unabridged republication of
the work originally published by harcourt, Brace & Co., 	1931. 
The Medicinal, Culinary, Cosmetic and Economic Properties, Cultivation
and 	Folk-lore of Herbs, Grasses, Fungi, Shrubs & Trees with all
their modern scientific 	uses.

Hagen, Ann.  A Handbook of Anglo-Saxon Food, Processing and Consumption. 
Anglo-Saxon 	Books, Middlesex, UK, 1992. Hagen, Ann. A HANDBOOK OF
ANGLO-SAXON 	FOOD. Processing and   Consumption. Anglo-Saxon
Books, Nisslwawx, England. 1992. 	This is not   a cookbook per
say, but a book about Anglo-Saxon food and foodways.   	HIGHLY

	PRODUCTION   & DISTRIBUTION. Anglo-Saxon Books. 1995. An
excellent book 	about the   foods available in that time period,
and information on how they were  	eaten. Not a cookbook, but good
information about the food and   foodways. HIGHLY 	RECOMMENDED.

Hartley, Dorothy. FOOD IN ENGLAND. Macdonald. 1954. A well written,  
interesting book 	about English food that, alas has no dates,
which   makes it pretty useless for our 	purposes. NOT

Henisch, Bridget Ann.  Fast and Feast.  Food in Medieval Society. 
Pennsylvania State 	University Press, 1977. fifth printing.
ISBN0-271-01230-7 (hardcover)  0-271-	00424-X (paperback). An
excellent book dealing with food in England   13-15th 	centuries.
General information, no recipes. HIGHLY   RECOMMENDED.

Hess, Karen.  Martha Washington’s Booke of Cookery.  C. 1749.  Columbia
University Press, 	NY, 1981. A 17th century cookbook owned, not
written by Martha   Washington. 	Original recipes plus lots of
commentary on food. HIGHLY   RECOMMENDED.

Hieatt, Constance & Sharon Butler. CURYE ON INGLYSCH. Oxford   University
Press. 1985. 	14th century English recipes. Originals only,   no
redactions. Good glossary. 	RECOMMENDED.
Hieatt, Constance B. AN ORDINANCE OF POTTAGE. Prospect Book. 1988.   15th
century 	recipes with both original and redacted recipes.  
 Hieatt, Constance B. and Sharon Butler. PLEYN DELIT. University of  
Toronto Press, 	Toronto.1979. 14th & 15th century recipes with the
  complete original recipe and a 	modern redaction. Recipes come
from   English and French sources; the French have 	been
translated. The type   face that the original recipes are printed in can
be difficult 	to   read. RECOMMENDED.  [zerox in storage]

Landsberg, Sylvia. The Medieval Garden. Thames & Hudson, 1995.  ISBN
0-500-01691-7.  	Thames & Hudson, Inc. 500 Fifth Avenue, NY 10110.
	The author has designed several 12th to 16th C. gardens,
including one at Shrewsbury 	Quest for the fictional Brother
Cadfael and one in Winchester called Queen Eleanor's 	Garden. 
Contains lists of plants from period works, photos of present day
gardens, 	reproductions of garden plans, 14th & 15th C. paintings
which include gardens, labors 	of the month paintings, lots of
good illustrations.  Have not seen some of the 	reproductions
before; they are of interest to the costumer, as well.  This is nice to
	browse through even if you are not a gardener, as I am not, but
wonderful, if like 	Susannah, you are planning to have a medieval
garden of your own.  There's a photo 	that contains a yellow
flowered woad plant in bloom, too.  Peasants' gardens, Ladies'
	pleasaunce, orchards, all kinds of gardens, here.
	This also has suggestions for your own garden, vine arbor, rose
trellis, and much 	more.  

DeLaVarenne, Francis.  The French Cook.  1653.  Reprint by Falconwood

The Lord Ruthuen.  The Ladies Cabinet.  Parts 1 & 3.  London, 1655.
Reprint, Susan J. Evans.

Murrell, John.  A delightful daily exercise for Ladies and Gentlewomen. 
1621. Reprint, Susan 	J. Evans. 

Norman, Jill.  The Complete Book of Spices.  A practical guide to spices
& aromatic seeds.  	Viking Penguin, NY, 1991.  [Great Britain

Ody, Penelope.  The Complete Medicinal Herbal.  Dorling Kindersly, NY,
1993.  Good photos.

Platina.  On Honest Indulgence.  Venice, 1475. Reprint, Susan J. Evans.

Prescott, James. Le Viandier de Taillevent (14th c.).  Alfarhaugr
Publishing Society, Eugene, 	OR.  1989.

Quayle, Eric. OLD COOK BOOKS. An Illustrated History. E.P Dutton.   1978.
An interesting 	book about historical cookbooks with some  
original recipes included. 	RECOMMENDED.  Not by me.  Have some
zeroxes, but don’t like it—too narrow.

Redon, Sabban, Serventi.  Die Kochkunst des Mittelalters.  (in German)
((La Gastronomie au 	Moyen Age))  von Eichborn,  Frankfurt, 1993.
German translation of La Gastronomie 	au Moyen Age. 
	Contains recipes, in their original language as well as the
German 	translation from:
1. Menagier deParis,
2. Maestro Martino, Libre de Arte
Coquinaria				Ma
3. Le Viandier de Taillevent  (2 versions)			VT  XV 
  +	VT Scul
4. Il Libro della Cucina del Secolo
XIV					Za
5. BU  anonymous manuscript
(Italian)					Bu
6. Frammento di un Libro di Cucina del Secolo
XIV			Gu
7. LVII Ricette d’un Libro di Cucina del Buon Secolo della
Lingua		Mo
8. Libro di Cucina del Secolo XIV
9. Liber de
Coquina							Lc
10. Maitre Chiquart, Du Fait de
Cuisine					Ch
11. Forme of
Cury							Fc HB
12. Tractatus de Modo Preparandi et Condiendi Omnia
Cibaria		Tr
13. Jean de Bockenheim, Register de
Cuisine				Bo
14. Diversa
Servicia							Ds HB
15. An Ordinance of
Pottage						Hi
	and redactions.

Renfrow, Cindy.  Take a Thousand Eggs Or More.  A Collection of 15th
Century Recipes.  Vol. 	I & II.  1991 Privately   printed.
Original 15th century recipes plus a lot of modern   	redactions.
Good information on how to do your own redactions.   	RECOMMENDED.

Renfrow, Cindy.  A Sip Through Time.  A Collection of Old Brewing
Recipes.  Only a few in 	period, but originals.  Recommended by
Kyle and me.

Riley, Gillian. RENAISSANCE RECIPES. Pomegranate Artbooks. 1993.  
Pictures involving 	food and redacted recipes to go along with the
  picture. No original recipes are given. 	Some of the pictures
are   useful, but I have some doubts about some of the recipes,
	although   without seeing the originals it is hard to tell. NOT
	She says the recipes are not exact replicas, "…unashamedly
cheerful versions…"

Santich, Barbara. THE ORIGINAL MEDITERRANEAN CUISINE. Prospect Books.  
1995. A 	lovely book on medieval food with the original recipes,
their   translations and modern 	redactions, as well as some good
information   about food of that period in general. 	What is
especially nice is that   a lot of the recipes I had never seen
translated before. 	While I have   not had time to make any of the
recipes from the book, they do look   	good. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

Sass, Lora. J. TO THE KING'S TASTE. The Metropolitan Museum of Art.  
1975. Contains 	original recipes as well as modern redactions.
Focus on   the food/recipes from the 	time of Richard II, and uses
Form of Cury   for the source of the recipes. 	RECOMMENDED.

Scully, Terence.  The Art of Cookery in the Middle Ages.  Boydell Press,
Woodbridge, UK. 	1995.

Scully, Terence & D. Eleanor.  Early French Cookery.  U. of Michigan,

Spurling, Hilary.  Elinor Fettiplace’s Receipt Book, Elizabethan Country
House Cooking.  	Viking Penguin, Inc., NY, 1986. A transcription
of   slightly more than 200 recipes 	from a book dated 1604 and
commentary.   RECOMMENDED

Tannahill, Reay. FOOD IN HISTORY. Stein and Day.1973. NOTE: there is a  
revised edition 	that came out in the past several years, but this
is   what I grabbed from my shelves. In 	448 pages she tries to
cover food   throughout the world and throughout time. By the
	very nature of her   subject and the size of the book, it is, at
best, a cursory covering   	of the subject. OK for a start, but
there are much better books out   there. 	RECOMMENDED only if you
can't get anything better.
   Toussaint-Samat, Maguelonne. HISTORY OF FOOD. Blackwell. 1992. A 80  
page history of 	food originally written in French. RECOMMENDED.

Vehling, Joseph Dommers, trans.  Apicius.  Cooking and Dining in Imperial
Rome.  Dover, NY, 	1977.

Wheaton, Barbara Ketcham.  Savoring the Past.  The French Kitchen and
Table from 1300 to 	1789.  A Touchstone Book, Simon & Schuster,
NY, 1983. A   well written and put 	together book on French
food/foodways. A small   number of original recipes with 	modern
redactions. RECOMMENDED.

Wilson, C. Anne. (ed) THE APPETITE AND THE EYE. Edinburgh University  
Press. 1991. A 	collection of papers on the visual aspects of food
and   its presentation with their 	historic context.  Not all are
medieval.   RECOMMENDED.

German Cookbooks

Wie man eyn teutsches Mannsbild bey Krafften halt.  (in German).  Prisma
Verlag.  1986.

Eleonora Maria Rosalia.  Freiwillig aufgesprungner Granat-Apffel. 
Hausmettel and 	kochrezepte von 1709.  (taken from a hand-written
recipe book of the 16th C.)
	(in Gerrman).

Herbs & Spices

Grieve, Mrs. M.  A Modern Herbal. Vol. I A-H, Vol. II  I-Z, Dover
Publications, Inc., NY,  1971.  	An unabridged republication of
the work originally published by harcourt, Brace & Co., 	1931. 
The Medicinal, Culinary, Cosmetic and Economic Properties, Cultivation
and 	Folk-lore of Herbs, Grasses, Fungi, Shrubs & Trees with all
their modern scientific 	uses.

Keville, Kathi.  Herbs, An Illustrated Encyclopedia.  A Complete
Culinary, Cosmetic, 	Medicinal, and Ornamental Guide.  Barnes &
Noble, NY, 1997.  ISBN 0 7607 0486 4. 	primarily watercolors for

Norman, Jill.  The Complete Book of Spices.  A practical guide to spices
& aromatic seeds.  	Viking Penguin, NY, 1991.  [Great Britain
1990]  excellent photographs of various 	stages: whole, ground,

Ody, Penelope.  The Complete Medicinal Herbal.  Dorling Kindersly, NY,
1993.  Good photos.


Black, Maggie. THE MEDIEVAL COOKBOOK. Thames & Hudson. 1992. Original  
recipes and modern redactions. General information about food.  
   Black, Maggie. FOOD AND COOKING IN MEDIEVAL BRITAIN. English Heritage.
  1985. Part of a six part series on British historical food. Good basic 
 information about food of the time as well. Original recipes and  
modern redactions. RECOMMENDED.

Sorry I goofed and sent the costume one.  No wonder you didn't know what
cookbooks I have!  Remember, some of the comments, such as RECOMMENDED
come from Mistress Jaelle's bib, to save me typing.


Lady Allison
allilyn at
Master Chirurgeon, Orden des Linquistringes, Princess' Order of Courtesy

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