SC - Pennsic cooking

Michael F. Gunter mfgunter at
Wed Sep 16 07:29:21 PDT 1998

If any of you have the room for your own smoker and say a spare frig for
curing, I can give you the names of several very good (albeit OOP)
sausage making and smoking books.....
Ya know, the more I read/participate on this list, the more I miss being
a Meatcutter/Sausage maker....
Working with computers is not nearly as satisfying....I mean, they don't
grill up very well at all ; )


Decker, Terry D. wrote:
> > But then how do you manage to get 2 rashers per person? Or three if
> > you're me. Our bacon is maybe half a centimetre thick.  You can also buy
> > speck, which is great and is like a great lump of bacon which has not
> > been sliced up, you just slice it yourself as you need it; it tends to
> > be more strongly cured in flavour than normal bacon and lasts much
> > better too.
> >
> > Kiriel
> >
> Most US bacon is pre-packaged and pre-sliced, ranging anywhere from looking
> like shaved ham to that half centimeter thick.  For really good bacon,
> ground meat, and sausages, I buy through one of the two corner groceries
> left in this town (Norman, OK) of 80,000+ people.  The meat is great (on
> premise butchering), but the price is premium.  Otherwise, I'm stuck with
> the plastic pack bacon that resides in millions of US homes.
> Bear
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