SC - Peanuts-possibly OOP

Erin Kenny erin.kenny at
Mon Feb 1 05:59:42 PST 1999

chicken oysters are a tiny roundish bit of meat found on the carcass by flipping
it onto its breast bone, slicing the skin along the spine and peeling it back.
Now that the lil bird is flayed, you will see a sort of rounded nugget of meat
on a line between the wing joint and the thigh joint. it is considered to be the
best part of the bird by everybody in my family[well, turkeys also have it, and
most other birds as well, but on anything smaller than a chicken it becomes sort
of like cooking with birds tongues, the flavor may be the greatest in the workd,
but there so small youd need an exhorbitant number of birds to make one

Stefan li Rous wrote:

> Adamantius said (describing a polenta dish):
> > The entire mass would leak just a bit of combined olive oil and
> > butterfat, and we were able to toss it in the plastic bowl (inertia
> > only, no utensils needed) until it was a smooth, satin-shiny golden
> > yellow ball, which got garnished with various things like escargots or
> > chicken oysters.
> Uh, what are chicken oysters? I've heard of mountain oysters, but
> I really doubt this is the same thing from roosters as there wouldn't
> seem to be much there.
> --
> Lord Stefan li Rous    Barony of Bryn Gwlad    Kingdom of Ansteorra
> Mark S. Harris             Austin, Texas           stefan at
> **** See Stefan's Florilegium files at:
>  ****
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