SC - cassia

Helen him at
Tue Feb 2 23:25:11 PST 1999

Kareina asked: 
> OK, does anyone have a list of the various primary sources which are
> available?  I have seen reference to a few in the short time I've been on
> the list, but haven't made an attempt to compile it.  If someone has a
> "definitive list" it might be helpful...

While I do not have a file expressly for primary sources, I do have a
number of files with annotated bibliographies and comments and reviews
on various cookbooks that might be of interest. 

>From what I've heard here I'm not sure there are any cookbooks published
that are complete copies and only copies of primary sources. Most (all?)
seem to be portions of the primary sources or portions with selected
interpretations (redactions). I think though that for what most on this
list are attempting to do, this should be sufficent. If you are doing
some kind of statistical survery, then using an incomplete copy might
be a problem.

Anyway, you might look at these files in the FOOD (soon to be the
FOOD-BOOKS) section of my Florilegium:
books-food-msg    (34K)  1/26/99    Books about food. Not cookbooks.
cb-novices-msg    (13K) 10/14/98    Cookbooks for those new to medieval cooking.
cb-rv-Apicius-msg (32K) 10/12/98    Reviews of cookbooks having Apicius recipes.
cookbooks-bib     (32K)  4/21/97    Cookbook bibliography by Jaelle of Armida.
cookbooks2-bib    (14K) 10/ 3/97    Cookbook bibliography by Stephen Bloch.
cookbooks3-bib    (20K) 10/14/98    Cookbook bibliography by Lady Allison.
cookbooks-msg     (98K) 11/13/98    Reviews of cookbooks with medieval recipes.
                                       Messages posted before September 1995.
cookbooks2-msg    (96K) 11/13/98    Reviews posted between 9/95 and 11/97.
cookbooks3-msg    (61K) 11/13/98    Reviews posted after 11/97.
cookbooks-SCA-msg (12K)  5/29/98    Cookbooks written by people in the SCA.
cooking-bib       (14K)  1/24/95    Bibliography on cooking sources.
Med-Cook-rev-art   (9K)  6/26/96    Review of "The Medieval Cookbook".
- -- 
Lord Stefan li Rous    Barony of Bryn Gwlad    Kingdom of Ansteorra
Mark S. Harris             Austin, Texas           stefan at
**** See Stefan's Florilegium files at:

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