SC - cookbook list

Cindy Renfrow renfrow at
Sun Feb 14 10:21:18 PST 1999

LrdRas at wrote:
> BTW, the formulas for vegetable shortening and stick margerine are not too
> dissimilar.
> Ras

Certainly 20th-century margarine contains as its main ingredient the
same stuff that is the main ingredient in Crisco. On the other hand,
margarine also contains various milk solids and water. In fact, it
contains more milk solids than butter does (the stuff has to taste like
_some_thing, eh?), which is part of why it has such a notoriously low
burning temperature.

But yes, both have partially hydrogenated vegetable oil as their main ingredient.


P.S.: Oleomargarine, when it was first invented during the Napoleonic
Wars, consisted of whipped beef tallow and milk solids. Yum. More than a
hundred years later, that same combination, with the addition of sugar
and perhaps artificial vanilla flavoring, was being used in Hostess
Twinkies... . 
- -- 
Phil & Susan Troy

troy at

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