SC - Chocolate cake, crisco question, OT-OOP KatarinSCA at
Mon Feb 15 00:00:54 PST 1999

Hi there,

>and look through the Islamic section and the desserts, etc, section for
>things where the source is either Andalusian or Al-Andalusi. We haven't
>done much with Christian Spanish food; one exception is a 16th-c recipe
>which was translated by Robin Carrol-Mann, on this list, for onion
>pottage. If you want something that late, let me know and I will post it
>(it has been posted here before, but not for a while), since it is not in
>the webbed Miscellany.

I am new to the list and have not seen the onion pottage recipe before.
May I please have a copy of it?

Please excuse me if  it's not good netiqutte to butt in and ask.


Mystress Honour Heckington

"If I had been around when Rubens was painting, I would have been revered
as a fabulous model.  Kate Moss?  Well, she would have been the paint
brush..."  - Dawn French


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