SC - SC Re: New CA: French Food in the Renaissance

Schumacher, Deborah (AZ15) Deborah.Schumacher at
Thu Sep 2 08:26:09 PDT 1999

[extreme lurk mode off]

This turned up on the MiddleBridge, the Middle Kingdom general discussion 
list, in response to the standard "there are no authentic, edible recipes" 
comment. I thought it might entertain this list.

Catherine Aimee

[extreme lurk mode back on]

>To the wonderful person who may think less of our cooking in the Midrealm,
>I, Hugo, do hereby selflessly and with much humility swear to eat for you,
>your portion of any authentically period feast.  I proclaim here and now
>that I shall also make special efforts to save you from the desert course.
>As a matter of fact, I will also do my best to save every one else from the
>perils of a Midrealm desert course.
>Yes, this may mean throwing myself in front of a charging lamb roasted to
>perfection by one of our many talented Midrealm cooks, but I will make this
>sacrifice.  Should you ever be threatened by a dangerous, yet finely crafted
>plum pudding, my trusty wooden spoon and trencher will be there to save you.
>I will even extend my daring offer to protecting you from any number or
>styles of mead, beer, cider, and liqueur.  You can count on me.
>Your Hungry (oops, Humble) Servant,
>Hugo Valerius
>"Exulto, Amo, Honesto"
>Barony of the Northwoods
>Middle Kingdom

Catherine Aimée LeMoyne, OP		amoran at
Web Minister
Midrealm Historian's Office

mka Aimée Moran

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