SC - Fwd: Re: [Mid] In defense of Midrealm cooking.

Alderton, Philippa phlip at
Fri Sep 3 14:29:51 PDT 1999

In a message dated 9/3/99 12:08:20 PM, phlip at writes:

<< Unfortunately, I am responsible for this controversy- nothing I have eaten
in the Middle Kingdom has been worthy, in my opinion, of either the term
"period" or the term "feast". You, the wonderful cooks of the List, have me
spoiled. >>

Hmmm.. I don't know if I should be offended or not, as I am a cook in the 
Middle Kingdom (Cynnabar to be exact). I've done two feasts to date, one even 
in an extremely rustic site that had only a spigot for water, and both have 
gotten great reviews for taste, periodness and quantity. 

I believe you are painting with an awfully wide brush. 

Rosalyn MacGregor
(Pattie Rayl)

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