SC - Blackberries

Thu Sep 9 16:32:59 PDT 1999

Phlip wrote:
>Whether Ras does or not, Nanna, I do. Can you tell from the recipe if it's
>like our head cheese?

No, because I don´t know what your head cheese is like. It is not that much
like Icelandic head cheese because that is just head, water and salt, boiled
until the bones can be slipped out easily, then chopped roughly and pressed.
Here is the Arabian one:

Ras kharouf

1 sheep´s head, split and skinned
1 large onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 carrot, diced
4 celery stalks, chopped
4 cardamoms, cracked
4 bay leaves
6 peppercorns
2 loomi, pierced twice
salt and pepper

Crack the skinned skull lenghtwise with a cleaver and soak in several
changes of salted water. Cover the head and the remaining ingredients with
water and boil for 1 1/2 -2 hours. Remove any scum as it forms. Remove the
head and reserve the strained stock. Remove the bones and slice the meat. To
serve cold in a mould, boil some peas and carrots in salted water until
tender. Drain and add chopped pickles. Layer the bottom of a cake mould with
half the meat, vegetables and the remaining meat. Cover with stock from
boiling the head. Refrigerate until the gel sets. Turn out onto a serving

(From Traditional Arabic Cooking by Miriam Al Hashimi)



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