SC - Re:Cheese recipies. LrdRas at
Sun Sep 12 15:12:27 PDT 1999

- -----Original Message-----
From: Stefan li Rous <stefan at>
To: SCA-Cooks maillist <SCA-Cooks at Ansteorra.ORG>
Date: Sunday, September 12, 1999 01:41
Subject: SC - Russian embassy meal

>Anya comments and asks for suggestions for additions:
>> for  Their Majesties and Excellencies with retainers, plus my helpers:
>> Siberian meat Pel'menis
>> Roast Goose with Kasha and Mushrooms
>> Braided Bread
>> Honey cakes (with jams)
>> tea, cranberry water, and lemon drink
>> flavored Vodka
>I don't think Vodka is period, even by SCA standards.
Actually it is. It just wasn't make out of potatos. It was made out of
grains instead.

 How about making
>Kvass instead?
No time to let it get bubbly, and I can't find any of the concentrate around
here that would be ready in time.

>Tea? Also, not period.
I know. But VERRRRYYY Russian.

 Lemon drink? While lemons were known in period,
>I doubt Russia got any, at least not enough to use for drinks.
This is late period, and a Mongol- influenced drink. supposed to be
alchoholic, but I'm not putting the rum in it.

>What is "Siberian meat Pel'menis"?
Pel'menis filled with ground meat and veal fat.

 That and the Roast Goose with
>Kasha and Mushrooms sound interesting.
>What are the honey cakes? Recipe?

Honey cakes are a sweet bread eaten with jams.

Will post recipies after the insanity dies down.



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