SC - Accentuate the positive ...

Huette von Ahrens ahrenshav at
Wed Sep 15 15:54:53 PDT 1999

Huette skrev:

>And, Phlip, just for your information, I am Mistress
Huette.  I know you don't know me, so I don't expect
you to know all my titles.  I rarely stand on
ceremony. I am a mistress in the Order of the Laurel
and have been since 1981. <

My apologies on that- I did know, but I was concentrating on what I was
saying and didn't think about that until after I sent the letter. I still
have to think about all the various insignia- finally have most of it
learned, but as a Chirurgeon, I always figured that people would rather I be
on top of my CPR rhythms and my First Aid training, rather than concerned
with what hat or belt or medallion they're wearing ;-)


Nolo disputare, volo somniare et contendere, et iterum somniare.

phlip at

Philippa Farrour
Caer Frig
Southeastern Ohio

The World's Need

So many Gods, so many creeds,
So many paths that wind and wind,
When just the art of being kind
Is all this sad world needs.

- - Ella Wheeler Wilcox


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