SC - buffalo wings OT

Stefan li Rous stefan at
Wed Sep 15 21:36:17 PDT 1999

Adamantius declared: 
> Stefan li Rous wrote:
> > Err. Except this wasn't from the Florilegium. I don't put these kinds
> > of things in the Florilegium since they don't concern period Europe
> > nor the SCA.
> >
> > Why can I remember things like this and not the Important things?
> Good heavens, man! Buffalo wings not important??? Off-topic,
> maybe...Next you'll be telling me you don't know about spiedies! ;  )

You got it. What are spiedies?

  (the ignorant one)
- -- 
Lord Stefan li Rous    Barony of Bryn Gwlad    Kingdom of Ansteorra
Mark S. Harris             Austin, Texas           stefan at
**** See Stefan's Florilegium files at: ****

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