SC - SC REC Bara Brith (Welsh)

Brian L. Rygg or Laura Barbee-Rygg rygbee at
Sat Sep 18 22:40:09 PDT 1999

An interesting comment from "Food and Drink in Medieval Poland" since we
were recently discussing the eating of hearts. Sorry Ras, there are no 

"It is worth mentioning that in the charter of 1140 for the Cistercian
monastery at Jedrzejow (later known in Poland for its fine gardens), the
townspeople were required to give the local prince and his posterity all
the hearts of cattle slaughtered in that place. (31) It is not clear
whether these beef hearts were considered a special delicacy or whether
they were simply food intended for servents connected to the princely
household. The context would suggest that the hearts were set aside for
the monks, who were of low social standing. Mikolj Rej referred to beef
hearts in his writings as something only fit for  monks, servants, and
the poor."

(31) This is mentioned by Dlugosz in his "Opera Omnia" III (under the
year 1141),3; and further discussed by Dembinska (1963), 105.
- -- 
Lord Stefan li Rous    Barony of Bryn Gwlad    Kingdom of Ansteorra
Mark S. Harris             Austin, Texas           stefan at
**** See Stefan's Florilegium files at: ****

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