SC - Ham Mordonna22 at
Wed Sep 22 17:17:41 PDT 1999

April Abbott wrote:
> Well, I've just been attempting to get rid of books I don't need so I went
> over to my nearby used bookshop to sell a few books and as usual came home
> with more books. :-)  One of today's finds was The Roman Cookery of Apicius:
> A Treasury of Gourmet Recipes & Herbal Cookery Translated and Adapted for
> the Modern Kitchen by John Edwards.   Have others had experience with this
> particular translation?  Comments?
> -Sofonisba

Other than the fact that Edwards doesn't seem to consider it really
significant that he's advising, for example, people to brown things in
butter, it's still a better book than Vehling's. The changes Edwards
makes are usually identified as changes made for a reason, whereas
Vehling changes things because he knows more about food than Apicius, or
thinks he does, but he doesn't always bother to state that he's
deviating from the original.

I also like the poetry on the facing pages of Edwards' recipes; I always
was a sucker for Martial's (or was it Juvenal's?) wry lament about how
his cook is trying to bankrupt him... .
- -- 
Phil & Susan Troy

troy at

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