OT - Re: SC - Re: saffron

Mordonna22@aol.com Mordonna22 at aol.com
Mon Apr 3 17:43:55 PDT 2000

Sort of like salt has no particular 'taste' per se...we percieve it in a
special area onthe tongue, as salty. We really miss it because we like
the taste of salt. It enhances flavor. It in sort of like vanilla in the
same sense that vanilla is really a neutral flavor that enriches taste,
it can take the bitter out of coffee at subliminal levels..it
doeswonders for chicken...and the artificial vanillin sucks!
What makes bouillabaisse tingle on your tongue like a nine-volt battery,

what qualifies it as loud, larger-than-life, Technicolor food, are three

additional ingredients: fennel, saffron, and a little orange peel.

Apart from saying that they add significantly to the aroma, and
therefore the flavor, of the dish, I can't really explain their
contribution. It's as if they add depth. If you make two pots of
bouillabaisse, one without saffron, and one with, you'd see the
difference. The one without it will be sort of two-dimensional in
comparison to the one with it.

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