SC - period food for mundane pot lucks

Stefan li Rous stefan at
Wed Apr 5 23:24:44 PDT 2000

In a message dated 4/5/2000 8:41:02 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 
troy at writes:

 I'm going to post two different recipes for the same dish, from the same
 source. If you feel it justifiable to mix and match, fine, but expect to
 discuss your answers. Or, you can choose one or the other, or both. Old
 timers on the list are allowed to help out, but it should restricted, at
 first, to glossary definitions and such. There'll be plenty of time for
 suggestions during the after-cook debriefing ;  ).

I've got a baby with spots, the day care won't take him, so we're going to my 
Mom's for a few days so she can keep him for me to work.  When I return, I'll 
see what's been posted, give comments, and post my own redaction.  I intend 
to try it while I'm at Mom's, as it seems like a dish both my father and 
grandson would be able to eat.

Mordonna the Cook,
SunDragon's Western Reaches
(m.k.a. Buckeye, AZ)

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