Subject: Re: SC - How do you know a dish was well liked or hated?

Bethany Public Library betpulib at
Thu Apr 6 00:13:06 PDT 2000

I've been skipping a lot of these posts, but this one caught my eye.
balthazar wrote:
>You know what?  I think you folks have just turned my head around.  The
>explanations for "period" given in response to my post have been very, very
>enlightening.  I may just have to re-think (only because I didn't do it
>right the first time) my idea of "period" cooking.  This sounds like a
whole mess
>of fun.  I'll give it a shot, anyway.

And Bonne replied:
and yet, the very same set of messages drove someone else off in a snit.

Newcomers show up expecting everything from "can you tell me how to boil
water" to assistance with quite detailed research that only a few of us can
manage to answer.

I'm sure lots of you have replied to the lady in question, but I have
written offering to help her along if she really is looking for a nudge in
the right direction. Re-reading her post, I think a large part of her
concern was the junk-to-gold ratio. The number of digests I trash with
little or no valid cooking context is getting longer and longer, helped
along in part by threds just like this one. I could tell by her e-mail
address that she didn't live too far away from me, so I hope i can persuade
her that we're not all evil  purists, and might e-mail her some easier to
complete on a low budget recipes for starters, along with tips on how to see
those original sources for free.

<<All together now with Barney: "I learned all about it at the LI-BRA-RY".
Inter Library Loan is FREE!>>



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