SC - Brussel sprouts LrdRas at
Thu Apr 6 14:54:07 PDT 2000

> Right, you can stop rolling around on the floor now. I will put on my
> Thick Skin. What would you like to teach me?

No flames at all here. Guyneth were you listening? This is something
like the method we were discussing about entering a dish into an A&S
competition. List the steps and your intepretations of those steps.
Use various ingredients. Take notes of each attempt and explain why
you stray from the posted recipe. Express areas of confusion and
demonstrate the attempts and results of those expiriments.

Basically, if this were expanded and made more complete this would
be a good base for an A&S entry.

> Having written that lot, I notice that the Forme of Cury also has a
> recipe for Bukkenade, which looks a great deal easier and cheaper. In
> fact, so different I'm amazed it has the same name. But that wasn't the
> challenge, was it?

It was part of it. I believe Master A. took a pretty simple and straightforward
recipe but showed how two of them can make a totally different product,
depending on the interpretation of the cook.

I believe you are catching on!



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