SC - booths/feasts Peldyn at
Thu Apr 6 19:49:40 PDT 2000

Morses3 at wrote:
> Greetings,
> After a lengthy time of lurking on this list (and learning a lot along the
> way), I think my personal life is going to settle down and let me actually
> start going to events instead of just reading about them. I can't live
> vicariously through all of you forever :-)

Welcome! wow! You stuck around event through some of our recent growing
pains? We will be looking forward to haveing a cooler head around! Where
are you? Have you contacted a local group yet?

> Also, what would everyone recommend as starting recipes to get my feet wet
> actually cooking this type of food to get a feel for how to combine things,
> etc.? I'm thinking that offering to be a kitchen helper to some of the head
> cooks already planning feasts might also be a good place to start. At the
> very least, I'm a good dishwasher.....

One of my housemates got her Pelican for dishwashing- (of course not
everyone does it with her fervor for something like 18 years!) there's
nothing wrong with starting there! And there's nothing wrong with
calling the head cook and saying "I'll be there and I want to help.
Should I bring anything special? Do you need me at a particular time?"
Or just showing up with a grin and a 'can-do' attitude. 

If you want to cook on your own and get your 'sea-legs', as it were, I
recommend starting with _Pleyn Delit_ or Duke Cariadoc's _Miscellany_.
The latter is even on the web, though I don't have the URL handy right
now. They both have a lot of the 'basics', and I find them very easy to
work work- and I am also a seat-of-the-pants cook. That should give you
a good start. and you can always ask questions on the list (of course we
will usually take a question and run with it- within 48 hours ending up
on another continent wondering who has the football...)
> Perry
> No name, no garb, no persona--yet!
That will come. No hurry.


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