SC - Chopping onions

Susan Laing gleep001 at
Wed Apr 12 18:17:31 PDT 2000

>The time arrived to heat up the soup.  I untaped the green tucker tote, and
>took off the lid.  The soup had "separated", and there was a slight pooch in
>the middle, with what initially appeared to be frost flowers on the top.  The
>smell was less than appetizing.  The husband of my student was in the kitchen
>at the time, and remarked that number one, if I served it people would think
>I made it, and number two, shouldn't I taste it.  I tasted it.  It took a
>long time to scrape that stuff off my tongue.  When I dabbed the tip of the
>spoon in the soup, the center erupted into the most interesting display of
>green moldspore I had wittnessed.  Upon closer inspection, the black spices
>were discovered to be black animal hair.

I would have taken it back to him, asked him where the 'real' soup was (Ha,
ha, ha!  Nice joke giving me a mouldy batch of soup!) and recommend that he
get someone to analyse the mould on top.  He might have found a cure for
cancer or something like that.  Either that or take it away and kill it
before it developed language skills.
That story will put me off soup for life I think.  Worse thing is, I've
cleaned up mouldy soup before so I can just picture what it looked like. =<
- -Katerine (slightly greener than usual)

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