SC - Venison recipe request

Brian L. Rygg or Laura Barbee-Rygg rygbee at
Wed Apr 19 13:24:21 PDT 2000

> > <<  They seemed really impressed by my
> >  notebook habit (I though everyone did that- am I weird?) and some of 
>The 'notebook habit' refers to how I handle projects, such as
>autocratting. A three-ring binder and dividers with tabs and poskets,
>and plenty of paper, is a lifesaver. You can keep site
>info/schedules/feast stuff/all of the little 'forget-ye-not' notes, etc
>in a reasonable order, and for event or program work they can be the
>make-or-break point. Right now I need to start a new notebook, as I had
>another fundaraising project dumped on me last week and the papers are
>already taking over the desk.

I'm with you, doesn't everybody do this?

I'd think one of those palm-top computers could maybe replace it though, IF 
both my home and work computers were compatible with it so I could upload 
and download e-mails and schedules from both (right now, I print them out 
and put them in the binder) and IF I had access to a scanner in order to 
include information that came to me non-electronically

Sounds like your various non-salaried jobs could really help you out here, I 
hope further down my in-box list is a happy note from you!


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