SC - Chickpeas LrdRas at
Wed Apr 19 20:04:53 PDT 2000

Okay in refernce to below:

I haven't found "the" eel recipe, but I found some which I will post 

In reference to Lamb and co-cook at the upcoming Meridian Crown 
List (Fra Niccolo de francesco) has a spit roasted lamb recipe that we are 
using that is "to die" for..really...

I have a great venison roast adaptation/redaction from Epilaurio (along with 
a venison sausage recipe....)

And more...pdf file will be available after May 7th...of the entire feast... 
(originals, translations and adaptations)

Caitlin of Enniskillen

>From: "James F. Johnson" <seumas at>
>"Laura C. Minnick" wrote:
(snippage), it occurs to me that the folks here on this list are SCA
>_cooks_. What would be their first assumption about my looking for eels?
>Not like we're all avid rare pescophiles....although I could imagine
>some of us browsing the rare and exotic aquarium shop with our Apicius,
>Platina, Forme of Cury, Two Fifteenth...
>Okay, all I talked about was I was looking for eels, in the context of
>being a 'serial cook.' One feast is hardly put to bed before I'm tossing
>ideas about for the next one....this time, it includes eels, coneys,
>venison, and lamb. We haven't experienced much of that hereabouts. Maybe
>lamb and venison.

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