SC - quick important note LrdRas at
Wed Apr 19 20:58:04 PDT 2000

> Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 21:24:32 EDT
> From: LrdRas at
> Subject: Re: SC - Re: sca-cooks V1 #2152 egg sizes
> In a message dated 4/19/00 12:12:54 AM Eastern Daylight Time, mmkl at
> writes:
> << The medieval poultrier would have a wide variety of egg sizes available  and would even have kept different ages of birds separated in 
order to  make the gathering of size specific eggs easier.
>   The larger eggs would go to either market or the manor house while the  smaller eggs might be used by the poultier him/herself, except for 
the Spring eggs which would be large and be set aside for hatching >>
> Documentation, please.
> Ras

Johann replies: 
Ahhhh, there we do have a slight problem!! Documentation for where the 
various sizes of eggs would go!! 
 I assumed the larger eggs would be reserved for hatching, because from 
a husbandry point of view that would make the most logical sense. 
Though, as has been pointed out our ancestors were no more 'common 
sensical' in some things than we are today!!

We DO have docs. for the separation of birds according to age and the 
separation of egg sizes for market. Die Fowlerenbuch, a 16th cen German 
guide to poultry( the only one I've yet had any reference to, from 
"Farms of Yesteryear" by L.F. Howars, University of Manchester Press)
says that pullets and hens should be kept in separate coops as 'this 
will promote concord in the flock, for the older birds may eat the 
smaller birds eggs (!)'

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