food and appearance...was Re: SC - quick important note CBlackwill at
Sat Apr 22 23:42:46 PDT 2000

In a message dated 4/22/00 12:58:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time, ddendy at 

>  Whether the actual word was used far back is harder to tell: part of the
>  confusion is that it seems "chapati" is just a specific sort of more 
>  type of bread, "roti" (Achaya's glossary defines "chapati" as "flat
>  griddle-roasted wheat circlet", while "roti" is "flat griddle-roasted
>  circlets of wheat or other cereals.")
>  I'm not sure how much this helps to answer your question, but it's the best
>  I have right now. I hope the other book, when it arrives, may allow us to
>  pin the matter down better.

This is a very good start, and I will continue the research on this food.  I 
carry a little cast iron "crepe pan" to Wars with me, just for making Chapati 
(and the occasional crumpet).  Once it is very hot, I chuck my little flat 
rounds into it, and voila!  Good breakfast bread to go with any assortment of 
freshly made fruit preserves, pickles, or some freshly chopped mint and a 
little thickened cream.  If I could say they were "period", so much the 

Balthazar of Blackmoor

Such a strange fascination, as I wallow in waste
That such a trivial victory could put a smile on your face.
                                        - Mark Burgess

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